Thank you for your interest in applying for a place at Kepier for your child, please take the time to read the information below regarding the Admissions process.

We understand that choosing your childā€™s school can be a very difficult decision and we would like to support you through this process. We strongly advise that you organise a visit to Kepier during the school day, this will enable you to see first-hand our school in operation.

The member of staff responsible for co-ordinating the Admissions process is Mr S. Van-Lindon (Assistant Headteacher). If you have any queries, please contact Mr Van-Lindon via telephone 0191 5128960 in the first instance.

In Year Transfers

If you would like to transfer your child to Kepier, you will need to complete the Sunderland Local Authority Transfer Form. Please use the following link;

Apply for a school transfer – Sunderland City Council

Parents / Carers should complete Section A and return the whole application form to the child’s current school who will complete Section B and return it to Sunderland Local Authority.

Upon receipt of a transfer application form, Kepier will notify the Local Authority or Parent/ Carer of the decision within 10 school days. Parents will receive the decision in writing within 15 school days.

If you contact the school or Sunderland Local Authority requesting information regarding your submitted application then we will endeavour to get back to you within 2 school days.

If your application has not been successful due to oversubscription then you will be notified of this, please refer to the appeals process below for further guidance.

Year 7 ApplicationsĀ  (September 2024 intake)

Kepier will be hosting our Y5/6 Open Evening on Wednesday 20th September 2023 from 3.30-6pm. Mr Devlin (Headteacher) will be addressing visitors at 3.45 and 5pm.

If you were unable to attend this event and would like to speak to a member of staff, please contact our reception team on 0191 5128960.

To apply for a place for your child to start Kepier in September 2024, the link below will take you to the Sunderland Local Authority ā€˜Apply for a Secondary School Placeā€™ there is important information contained within this page that you will need to read carefully.

The deadline date for applications is theĀ 31stĀ October 2023.

Any application forms received after this date will be considered late which may have implications in terms of online applications and may affect your chances of gaining a place at your preferred school.

You are able to contact the admissions department and request a paper copy of the application form atĀ

Kepierā€™s Admissions Policy is available via the following link;Ā 

Following changes to the School Admissionā€™s Code effective from 1st September 2021, the definition of a ā€˜Looked After Childā€™ has been changed to include:

  • Those that have been adopted from state care outside of England and therefore children who meet this criteria have the same priority as other ā€˜Looked After Childrenā€™

Kepierā€™s Governing Body can request evidence of an ā€˜Orderā€™ from the parent/carer, in order to consider an application.

It is also possible for request confirmation from the Virtual School that a child is ā€˜Looked Afterā€™

You will be offered your school place on theĀ National Offer Day which is Friday 1st Ā March 2024.

Unsuccessful applicationsĀ 

Appeals process

If you have been unsuccessful in gaining a place at Kepier then you have a right to appeal the decision that the school has made.Ā Ā 

The Appeals process is administered by Sunderland Local Authority but is independent both of the Local Authority and Kepier.

Kepier will provide you the Formal Notice of Appeal FormĀ You must return this formĀ within 14 days.

Prior to the hearing Parents/Carers are required to complete the Appeals form and return it directly toĀ or in the post to:

The Clerk to the School Admission Appeal Panel
PO Box 100
Civic Centre

Kepier will provide a statement as to why your child cannot be accepted into the school prior to an Appeals hearing.

You will be invited to attend an Appeals Hearing either virtually or in person at an agreed time where all parties will be able to present their case.

The Independent Panel who are made up of three individuals who are independent of the school and local authority will listen carefully to both sides, questions will be asked of the Academy as well as the Parents/Carers.Ā  At the end of the hearing the Panel members will make aĀ bindingĀ decision.

Parents and the Academy will be informed of the Panelā€™s decision in writing within 5 working days following the Appeal hearing.

In Year transfer waiting listsĀ 

If you decide not to submit a Formal Notice of Appeal, then you can request that your childā€™s name remains on the waiting list in the event that a space becomes available.Ā  The waiting list only lasts for that academic year, you will need to re-apply the following year if you wish your child to remain on the waiting list.

If you require any further information regarding admissions at Kepier please do not hesitate to contact us, or contact the admissions team at Sunderland Local Authority.