Behaviour for Learning Statement
Kepier actively seeks to promote good behaviour and create a safe, orderly, purposeful, happy and challenging environment in which effective teaching and learning can take place in line with Kepier’s core principles of: ‘Inspire, Challenge, Support’, emphasising the positive rather than the negative, using rewards as well as sanctions. A copy of Kepier’s Behaviour plan can be viewed in our Policies area of the website.
- To support learners in developing values based on respect for themselves, others and for the environment of the school and community.
- To support and challenge learners to learn the skills of self-discipline.
- To prevent and challenge incidents of bullying.
- To inspire all learners to reach and achieve their full potential through learning.
- To ensure the smooth running of the academy and the safety of everyone in it.
- Every learner understands they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others.
- Our procedures are based on the school community achieving the highest possible standards.
- Our procedures are designed to create a caring and supportive community, based on mutual respect.
- Everyone is encouraged to understand the consequences of their actions, both positive and negative.
- All learners, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination.
- Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and learners’ home life.
Kepier uses Class Charts to communicate with learners and their families. Class Charts is an online platform showing in real time the following.
- Recognise and report positive and negative behaviour incidents.
- Record and maintain homework records.
- Sending one way announcements.
- Two way messaging to learners and their families.
Kepier promotes all learners to demonstrate a positive attitude to learning and will be allocated behaviour points based on the following:

In addition to this, there are additional positive and negative which can be issued to learners for both in lesson and out of lesson behaviours.
When learners are issued with negative points, Kepier follows the Behaviour Intervention Plan below*.
Kepier has a zero tolerance of bullying, below is a copy of our Anti-Bullying Plan.

*There may be circumstances whereby reasonable adjustments are made to support individual learners e.g. learners with SEND.