PSHCE Curriculum IntentĀ 


Within Kepier, (PSHCE) we aim to: enable and equip learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding to stay safe and healthy and build self esteem and independence. We aim to develop the resilience in all learners to be able to challenge and embrace moral, social and cultural issues that are an essential part of growing up. Fundamental to this is our teaching of shared British Values: Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Respect and Tolerance of different faiths and religions.Ā 

Our learners are encouraged to respect Protected Characteristics within the Equality Act whilst also observing Human Rights. Throughout, we encourage critical thinking to develop a sense of self-worth and an idea of the importance of playing a positive role in contributing not only to school life, but, importantly, to our shared community and the wider world.


PSHCE Curriculum ImplementationĀ 

Kepierā€™s PSHCE curriculum complies with the statutory guidance for Relationships and Sex Health Education (RSHE). Our delivered curriculum reflects the needs of our learners at different stages of their school and life journey. We expect teachers to use the PSHCE programme to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.Ā 

PSHCE education plays an important role for all learners by modelling, rehearsing and embedding practical skills. All learners are involved in a Class Contract and have the right to pass on any questions, this creates an inclusive and safe environment where learners are encouraged to explore and reflect upon any issues affecting them. It also enables them to develop strategies to manage real-life situations. For more information please click here –Ā


PSHCE plays a vital part in our learnersā€™ education therefore is taught once a week across Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 and 9) and in Key Stage 4, to Year 10. In Year 11 learners receive PSHCE and CS as a combination (Curriculum for Life) CfL once a week. In order to adopt a holistic view of student wellbeing and development, our PHSCE pedagogy is linked to Personal Development across the school. Notably, in addition to PSHCE lessons, there are also opportunities to make cross curricular links, links within Coaching and also Assemblies. PSHCE is an important part of school assemblies, where childrenā€™s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured. We deliver our PSHCE curriculum by sharing good practice and it is every staff memberā€™s responsibility to do this by being a role model, offering support and having the highest expectations of our learners.Ā 


The curriculum is split into three core themes of: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Learners will meet these themes throughout the course of the year and the themes are built upon as our learners move through Kepier. Our Curriculum builds upon previous learning within these themes, so that all of our learners should have a good balance of overarching concepts which also includes statutory RSHE content from DfE statutory guidance:Ā 


Health and Wellbeing

Assessing and Managing Risk

Staying Safe Online and Offline

Rights and Responsibilities within British Values

Celebrating Diversity and Equality

Relationship, Sex and Health Education

Careers and Enterprise


Learners have ā€˜Check My Learningā€™ after each lesson, where they can show what they have learnt and this also poses opportunities to write down questions on a lesson by lesson basis.Ā  At the end of each topic area, an assessment is set and self marked to ensure any misconceptions are identified and addressed before moving on. In KS3, homework is set weekly as two flashcards to support learning and also to encourage independent research around key terms within topic areas.Ā 



We aim to prepare our learners for real life, helping them to really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. We hope that through the teaching of the different threads in the PSHCE and RSHE curriculum, learners will develop strategies to help them stay safe and healthy and be able to manage their personal and social lives in a positive way. Key areas are revisited so children can gain a good understanding of the fundamentals of British Values, protected statues within The Equality Act And basic Human Rights to create healthy and respectful relationships, to look after their mental and physical wellbeing and to understand their role within an ever changing world.Ā 


How can parents/carers support their childā€™s progress in this subject?

Parents can show an interest in the issues and ideas that our learners will hopefully share at home. Many of the issues we study will be relevant to the modern world, to current affairs or recent events/developments. A wider knowledge of society, news and events is always a useful tool for debate, supporting general knowledge and further cementing understanding of the world around us.Ā