Dear Y10 Parent/Carer
To support us with minimising the amount of KS3 learners being sent home due to mixing at lunchtimes, we are proposing to allow certain Y10 learners to leave the

School site at lunchtime. In doing so, we can increase the available space for other year groups, effectively halving the existing bubbles in Y7, Y8 and Y9.
Only learners who have a good Class Charts record and whom Mrs Brown as well as the SLT agree to, will be given this privilege. Learners will still have the option of remaining in School during lunchtime if they wish to do so.
The Y10 lunchtime would be different from Y11 to avoid the mixing of these two bubbles.
Learners will need to abide by the rules and regulations concerning the wearing of face coverings in shops and their conduct will be monitored by staff and Covid officials from Sunderland Council. If, for any reason, we are not happy with the response from the community, we may need to withdraw this solution.
If the majority of parents/carers are happy with this arrangement, we hope to implement this after half term.
Please complete this short survey by following the link below.