**Supporting materials for conversations on racial equality**
There are a large number of conversation in the media, and likely in the home around black lives matter. Here is a guide produced to be sued as a starting point to support conversation in the home between you and your child.
**Year 10 – Careers Update**
Please find attached the link which will provide you with upcoming events on line to provide your child with college information. We will post reminders for specific events on the Kepier facebook page

Year 10 Careers Update June 2020
**Next Steps – Where to go after Kepier?**
Attached is a guide designed for Parents/Carers around the next steps for your child. It covers guidance around the routes learners can take post 16 from apprenticeships, A – Levels, work experience and moving on to university and your child’s career path. It takes a look at specific subjects and the routes, opportunities, and the break down of specific career pathways.