Dear Parent/Carer,
We are pleased to share with you some very positive outcomes and some areas for development from our recent two day, unannounced inspection from Ofsted. The inspection team focussed on safeguarding, the quality of teaching and the leadership of the school. You can find the full report here.
The inspectors scrutinised the school’s procedures for ensuring that learners are safe and supported by the school. The inspectors talked with large numbers of learners in and outside of lessons and received comments from parents, staff and governors, as well as examining the school’s documentation, policies and practices. The inspectors found that:
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. The safeguarding and protection culture in school is strong.
- The designated safeguarding lead ensures that all safeguarding concerns raised by staff are quickly actioned. Precise and diligent records show that issues are dealt with swiftly and appropriately followed up.
- Learners who are vulnerable are massively appreciative of the work that the designated safeguarding team do to support them and keep them safe.
- Most learners agree strongly that they feel safe in school.
- There is a very caring culture in the school. Staff care deeply about learners and their well-being and are dedicated to their roles.
- The principal and her leadership team are passionate about the life chances of all learners. They are very clear that they want all learners to be able to access a high-quality and, where appropriate, academic curriculum that will give them every opportunity to succeed in further and higher education and employment.
- Leaders ensure that learners are very well prepared for life in modern Britain. An effective and comprehensive programme for culture and well-being ensures that learners are educated about other religions and cultures and learn respect and tolerance. Learners learn about the risks they may face and how to keep themselves safe.
- Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
- In physical education lessons, pupils work together and practise and develop their skills because teachers promote team work well.
- In some lessons, pupils have positive attitudes to learning because teachers have high expectations of their behaviour, for example in science.
- Pupils are very proud of their new school building. Most pupils are happy to talk to visitors and are polite and welcoming.
- Overall, attendance is improving.
- In some subjects, such as science, computing, technology and music, pupils make good progress because they are clear about teachers’ expectations.
- Almost all pupils progress from the school into education, employment or training because the school effectively supports them to do so. This is a strength of the school.
Unfortunately our outcomes over the last two years have not been good enough. Ofsted did recognise that the school has not played the system with inappropriate qualifications and offer an EBacc curriculum for all learners. This has affected our progress measures. This said, we are determined to ensure we improve results, especially in English and Maths and welcome your support to do so. If your child is underperforming in any subject area or could benefit from additional support, please can you discuss this with them and ensure they complete all work set. Please do contact their teacher if you need more details on what they need to be studying at home.
Nicola Cooper
11 February 2019