Dear Parents/Carers of Year 10 Learners

We are committed, in these very difficult times, to ensuring that any impact of the disruption to courses of study is kept to a minimum.  To this end, we will be starting to introduce a range of Booster Classes in some subjects over the coming weeks to help learners who are behind where they need to be in terms of their knowledge, classwork and coursework assignments. 

These classes will be aimed at learners who are identified by their teachers as lacking key knowledge that is essential for success in exams.  Booster Classes will be compulsory for identified learners to attend and will take place afterschool from 3.00-3.45pm. They will run on a fortnightly timetable.   The timetable is outlined below: 

Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 
Week A  Business Studies (211)  Health and Social Care (220)  BTEC Sport (220) Hospitality and Catering (GO3) Creative I Media  (220)
Week B  History (213)  Geography (Main Hall) 

Learners will be informed by their subject teachers if they are required to attend a Booster Class.  It is essential that those learners attend every session that they are asked to attend and failure to attend will result in lunch passes being revoked or lunchtime detentions for the next day.  Learners will also be required to catch up on the work they miss in their own time.  

Once again I thank you for your support in ensuring that your child attends whichever classes are assigned to them and I hope that we can work together to ensure learners get caught up on any lost learning during what has been a very difficult time. 

Mr A Warkman 

Assistant Principal