**September 2022 Return Information**
Dear all, we hope you are all having a lovely summer break. Information has been sent to your ClassCharts account, or alternatively follow the link below to find information in preparation for the return to school in September.
September 2022 Update for Parents/Carers
If you have any questions, or queries please email info@kepier.com or contact reception on 0191 5128960
Take care,
Please see below some guidance for logging onto the Sparx Maths website.
How students log in
Video for parents

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved a rating of ‘good’ in our latest Ofsted inspection, which took place in March.
The full report, which has just been released, confirms that we are strong in all areas of the inspection framework.
There are two areas for development, which prevent us from being outstanding. We need to increase our uptake of languages at Y10 and Y11, in line with the government’s expectations and, although our curriculum for personal development is good, it is not yet fully embedded.
Both of these areas will be quickly and effectively addressed, so that we can look forward to showing Ofsted that Kepier is ‘outstanding’ during our next inspection.
Thank you for your continued support.
If you wish to read the inspection report, please click here
**Bookings Now Open – Year 9 Parents’ Evening**
We would like to invite you to our Video Call Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 27th April 2022, from 3.30 – 6pm.
Appointments can now be made using the online booking system. Bookings will close at midday on Wednesday 27th April.
Please visit: https://kepier.com/parents-evenings
to book your appointments. Here you will find a comprehensive guide to the SchoolCloud system, including links to parent guides, videos and frequently asked questions.
If you have any further questions, please use the contact form at the bottom of the webpage and we will be happy to help.
**Advance Warning – Year 9 Parents’ Evening**
Please be aware that bookings for our Year 9 online parents’ evening will open at 9am on Wednesday 30th March 2022. Basic personal details of the parent/carer (title, first name, surname, email address) and student (first name, surname, date of birth) will be required in order to log in and make bookings.
Further information is available on our parents’ evening webpage at:
Thank you.
**Bookings Now Open – Year 8 Parents’ Evening**
We would like to invite you to our Video Call Year 8 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 23rd March 2022, from 3.30 – 6pm.
Appointments can now be made using the online booking system. Bookings will close at midday on Wednesday 23rd March.
Please visit: https://kepier.com/parents-evenings
to book your appointments. Here you will find a comprehensive guide to the SchoolCloud system, including links to parent guides, videos and frequently asked questions.
If you have any further questions, please use the contact form at the bottom of the webpage and we will be happy to help.
**Advance Warning – Year 8 Parents’ Evening**
Please be aware that bookings for our Year 8 online parents’ evening will open at 9am on Wednesday 9th March 2022. Basic personal details of the parent/carer (title, first name, surname, email address) and student (first name, surname, date of birth) will be required in order to log in and make bookings.
Further information is available on our parents’ evening webpage at:
Thank you.
We would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to parents/carers and all of the children who will be joining us. We are delighted that once again, Kepier is heavily oversubscribed and we will be admitting over 250 children into our September 2022, Year 7 cohort.
We are currently liaising with all of the primary schools, feeder and non feeder, to ensure we can support your child in the best way possible for their transition to secondary school. We know parents/carers and children have lots of questions about the process but you can be assured we will be in regular contact with you. Kepier will communicate all key information with you via email and our website will be continually updated.
A Virtual Parents’ Information Evening will take place on Tuesday 29th March starting at 5pm. You can access the meeting through the following link; Join with Google Meet
In December, Ofsted conducted a one day monitoring visit, the lead inspector commented that Kepier is a rapidly improving school; leaders are taking effective action in order for the school to become a good school and highlighted that there have been significant improvements to all of the weaknesses identified at the previous inspection.
Below is a list of staff, who may contact you directly regarding your child’s transition:
- Mr S. Van-Lindon – Senior Leader (Transition)
- Mr C Devlin – Vice Principal (Safeguarding Lead)
- Mrs D Kilkenny – Vice Principal (SENDCo)
- Mrs C Brown – Year Manager
- Mrs K King – SEND Learner Support Lead
If you have any further queries, please email info@kepier.com and your email will be forwarded to the most appropriate person.
**Creative Writing Competition**
As part of Kepier’s range of Christmas activities, learners were invited to enter our ‘Christmas at Kepier’ creative writing competition in which they could submit up to 500 words of either poetry or prose.
We were really impressed by all of the entries from across the school. Freya was our KS3 winner, with Ryan picking up the prize for Y10 and James for Y11. A big well done to all those who submitted an entry!
Take a read of their brilliant entries!

RK Christmas Creative Writing Competition Entry

**Bookings Now Open – Year 10 Parents’ Evening**
We would like to invite you to our Video Call Year 10 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 16th February 2022, from 3.30 – 6pm.
Appointments can now be made using the online booking system. Bookings will close at midday on Wednesday 16th February.
Please visit:
https://kepier.com/parents-evenings to book your appointments. Here you will find a comprehensive guide to the SchoolCloud system, including links to parent guides, videos and frequently asked questions.
If you have any further questions, please use the contact form at the bottom of the webpage and we will be happy to help.