Subject: Religion, Philosophy & Ethics
Subject Overview:

By studying Religion, Philosophy & Ethics at Kepier, learners will make sense of a range of religious and non-religious beliefs. They will explore important modern ethical issues that people may come across at some point in their lives. They will also critically engage with different forms of Philosophical ideas.

By studying the main Dharmic and Abrahamic faiths; students will be able to understand the impact and significance of these religions on peoples’ lives. And by doing so, learners will be able to make connections between these beliefs, concepts and practices so that they can explore what it means to be a person in a wondrous, but also often confusing, and sometimes threatening world.

In doing this, it draws on the rich history of the major religious traditions and other worldviews in Britain and the wider world, giving due prominence to Christianity to reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain, are in the main, Christian.

Key Stage 3
Year 7: Year 8: Year 9:

“What is religion? Will religion be growing or dying out by 2050?”

  1. What is religion?
  2. Why do we study RPE at school?
  3. What do other students believe about religious and spiritual questions?
  4. What are religious commitments?
  5. What do religions offer their followers?
  6. Will religion grow or die out by 2050?

“Why do Christians believe that Jesus was God on earth?”

  1. Who was Jesus?
  2. Was Jesus the messiah?
  3. Did Jesus believe he was God on Earth?
  4. Where did Jesus perform his miracles?
  5. Why did Jesus come back to life?

“When does life really begin?”

  1. Is life precious?
  2. What is humanity’s place in the universe?
  3. When does life begin?
  4. What is Christian view towards sex and contraception?
  5. Are fertility treatments ethical?

“What do Hindus believe?”

  1. How did Hinduism begin?
  2. What are the Hindu beliefs about God?
  3. How was the universe created?
  4. How was the universe created?
  5. Is Hinduism polytheistic?
  6. Do Hindus want to live forever?

“What was so radical about Jesus?”

  1. What was Jesus’ attitude to people that sin?
  2. What was Jesus’ attitude to outcasts and vulnerable?
  3. What was Jesus’ attitude to salvation?
  4. How do Chrisinas follow the radical message of Jesus today?

“Is ending a life always wrong?”

  1. Can you kill in self defence?
  2. Is abortion right or wrong?
  3. Should euthanasia be legal in the UK?

“How do Hindus practise their faith?”

  1. What are the Hindu religious texts?
  2. How do Hindus worship?
  3. What are the goals of life for a Hindu? And for me?
  4. What made Dada Athavale an inspiring Hindu?

“What does it mean for Christians to believe in God as the ‘Trinity’?”

  1. Is God an old man in the sky?
  2. What is God’s role in the Bible?
  3. What is the trinity?
  4. Why is the trinity important to Christians?
  5. How is the trinity portrayed in Christian artwork?

“Is there a life after death?”

  1. What is the Christian view about heaven and hell?
  2. Do Hindus believe that they live forever?
  3. Do Jews not believe in an afterlife?
  4. Why is the belief in akhirah important to Muslims?
  5. Do near death experiences prove that there is a life after death?
  6. What are the non religious arguments for an afterlife?

“What is good and what is challenging about being a Jewish teenager in Britain today?”

  1. What is the history of Judaism?
  2. How do Jewish people believe?
  3. Who are the chosen figures in Judaism?
  4. Why is the Tanakh important?
  5. How do Jews worship?
  6. Is antisemitism still a problem for Jews living in Britain?

“What do Muslims believe?”

  1. Who are the important figures in Islam?
  2. What does faith mean to Muslims?
  3. What are the five pillars of Islam?
  4. What are the sources of authority in Islam?

“What is life like as a British Muslim?”

  1. What is the history of Islam and Britain?
  2. Where do Muslims worship in Britain?
  3. Are women treated fairly in Islam?
  4. How do Muslims experience Islamophobia?
Key Stage 4 (CORE: Religion, Philosophy & Ethics)
Content: Year 10: Year 11:

“What do we do when life gets hard?”

  1. What is the problem of evil and suffering for Christians?
  2. Why is there suffering?
  3. How does Job respond to evil and suffering?
  4. How do CHristians respond to evil and suffering?
  5. How do non religious people respond to evil and suffering?

“Philosophers: Who are they and what do they think?”

  1. What is philosophy?
  2. Why is there something rather than nothing?
  3. Is the universe designed?
  4. Do religious experiences prove that God exists?
  5. How do we decide what is right or wrong?
  6. Is the right decision the one that makes the most people happy?
  7. Is the right decision the most loving thing?
  8. Is the right decision the one that is a balance between two extremes?
  9. How can we apply ethics to abortion?
  10. How can we apply ethics to euthanasia?

“RELIGION: Is it a cause of conflict or a power for peace?”

  1. What matters about peace, conflict and religion?
  2. How have the Prophet Muhammad and his followers achieved peace?
  3. Is the Old Testament a story of conflict?
  4. How did Jesus try to promote peace?
  5. Do Hindus agree with conflict?
    How does religion try to bring about peace in the modern world?

“Are there answers to the ‘Big Questions?’”

  1. How important are religious texts in the modern world?
  2. Are men and women equal?
  3. Is homosexuality a sin?
  4. Should non-religious people marry in religious buildings?

“How should you punish criminals?”

  1. Do we have free will?
  2. Why do people commit crime
  3. Why was capital punishment abolished in the UK?
  4. Should the UK bring back capital punishment?
  5. Should you forgive your enemies?
Key Stage 4: GCSE (AQA)
Paper 1 Year 10
Component 1:

The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices

Catholic Christianity
You will look at the key beliefs of God as a trinity of three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You will study the creation story in Genesis, the belief that Jesus is incarnate, the idea of redemption and life after death. You will also look at the importance of worship, prayer, the seven sacraments and the work of the church in the community.

You will look at the key beliefs of Brahman and the manifestations of God in the world. You will study how the divine presents in the form of different deities and avatars including Krishna and Rama. You will also look at the ideas of atman, reincarnation and dharma. You will finally analyse different Hindu festivals, like diwali and Holi and the impact Hindu belief has on peoples’ lives and ways of worship.

Paper 2 Year 11
Component 2:

Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Thematic studies

Religion and Life

  • Abortion
  • Euthanasisa
  • Animal Experimentation
  • Origin of the Universe
Religion, Peace and Conflict

  • Violence
  • Weapons of mass destruction
  • Pacifism
The existence of God and revelations

  • Visions
  • Miracles
  • Arguments for the existence of God
Religion, crime and punishment

  • Corporal punishment
  • Death penalty
  • Forgiveness