Dear Parent / Carer, 

I hope you and your family continue to keep safe and well during these very difficult times. On Monday June 15th, the government amended its advice to secondary schools to include ‘face to face’ meetings for all learners to supplement their remote learning. 

Kepier will be holding the following consultation sessions:

Year Group  Session information 
7 Tuesday 14th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm 

Wednesday 15th July 2020 between 9.30am and 4.30pm 

Thursday 16th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm 

8 Tuesday 7th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm 

Wednesday 8th July 2020 between 9.30am and 4.30pm 

Thursday 9th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm 

9 Tuesday 23rd June 2020 between 1pm and 3pm 

Wednesday 24th June 2020 between 9.30am and 4.30pm 

Thursday 25th June 2020 between 1pm and 3pm 

You will receive a text message with a link to an online form, please complete this form expressing which session you are able to attend. Kepier will confirm a 20 minute appointment. During these sessions your child’s Coach will share feedback from all of your child’s teachers regarding the home learning which has taken place and offer further support as needed.

Best wishes

Nicola Ashton
