Well done to Layla and Georgia for wining prizes in the Doodle Competition organised by Miss Sood.
Dear Parent/Carer
Please find further information regarding self isolation dates for the learners, Information regarding logging on to coaching, and guidance on how to access the remote learning.
- Parent letter – Y11 Self-Isolate Letter 19.10.20
- Guidance on remote learning – Keystage 4 remote learning new (1)
- YEAR 11 TIMETABLE W/C 19.10.2020 – YEAR 11 Remote Learning Timetable
- Learner home page – https://kepier.com/learner-home/
Please see a video to help you log on to Real Smart and google Classrooms – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNLDkd7yn64&feature=emb_logo
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us
- Year Manager – parkeram@kepier.com
- General information – info@kepier.com
- Email you specific class teacher
Dear Parent/Carer
Please find further information regarding self isolation dates for the learners, Information regarding logging on to coaching, and guidance on how to access the remote learning.
- Parent letter – 7 Y7 Self-Isolate Letter 19.10.20
- Guidance on remote learning – Keystage 3 remote learning (1)
- Learner home page – https://kepier.com/learner-home/
Please see a video to help you log on to Real Smart and google Classrooms – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNLDkd7yn64&feature=emb_logo
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us
- Year Manager – cromptond@kepier.com
- General information – info@kepier.com
- Email you specific class teacher
**Update for Year 11 Parents/Carers Sunday 18th October**
Dear Parent/ Carer, Unfortunately, this evening (18.10.20) a member of our year 11 bubble has tested positive for Coronavirus. Therefore, for precautionary measures year 11 learners need to self-isolate.It is just those learners and not their families that must isolate.
Kepier will communicate further information on Monday 19.10.20. Live Coaching sessions will commence on Tuesday 20.10.20 at 8.30am and further live sessions will follow throughout the day.
Learners in the Football Academy do not self-isolate and a timetable will be in place for those learners.
We understand this is a difficult time, and appreciate your support. Take care. Kepier.
**Update for Year 7 Parents/Carers Sunday 18th October**
Dear Parent/ Carer, Unfortunately, this evening (18.10.20) a member of our year 7 bubble has tested positive for Coronavirus. Therefore, for precautionary measures year 7 learners need to self-isolate. Learners in the Football Academy will need to self-isolate
It is just those learners and not their families that must isolate. Kepier will communicate further information on Monday 19.10.20. Live Coaching sessions will commence on Tuesday 20.10.20 at 8.30am.
We understand this is a difficult time, and appreciate your support. Take care. Kepier.
**A Thank you and well done from all of us at Kepier**
From all of us at kepier we want to say a massive thank you to all of you! We at kepier could not be more proud of all our learners! The effort you have put in this week into continuing on with your learning in times of very rapid changes.
To all our Parents/Carers thank you for your continuous effort to support your child in completing their work at home, logging on and your patience and support with us as we implement this new way of learning.
On Monday we continue with our remote learning for some, so please continue to check class charts and the websites for any updates and all information needed to support the learners at home.
Thank you to everyone involved who has worked to make sure we offer the best opportunities for our learners in these difficult times. Please have a well deserved rest this weekend, and we will be raring to go again on Monday.
Take care
Please see the following guidance for learners logging on to the remote learning platforms and their coaching registration on a morning. This will begin at 8.30am tomorrow (Thursday 15th October 2020). Where possible we would encourage them to attempt to login to their account and google classroom prior to this.
Keystage 3 remote learning (1)
How to logon guide – please see the following video which shows you how to log on to your google classroom. The link for your coaching registration will then be sent from 8.25am. Please be ready and waiting on the coaching group google classroom
Please see the following guidance for learners logging on to the remote learning platforms, their coaching registration on a morning and a timetable for learners to access and join live lessons. This will begin at 8.30am tomorrow (Wednesday 14th October 2020). Where possible we would encourage them to attempt to login to their account and google classroom prior to this.
Please see the following guidance for learners logging on to the remote learning platforms and their coaching registration on a morning. This will begin at 8.30am tomorrow (Wednesday 14th October 2020). Where possible we would encourage them to attempt to login to their account and google classroom prior to this.
Keystage 3 remote learning (1)Well done to Hannah who has read over 4 million words. What an incredible achievement!
World Mental Health Day is Saturday 10th October and Young Minds #HelloYellow campaign is raising awareness on Friday 9th October.
At Kepier we will be continuing to raise awareness of the importance of looking after our Mental Health and Wellbeing. On Friday 9th October 2020. Throughout the day there will be activities, information and awareness raised for staff and learners.
We would love for our learners to wear something yellow alongside their full school uniform on Friday 9th October. This could be a yellow tie, socks, hairband or mask etc. to support us in sharing this very important message.
Martin Connor has sent the following message, which he has written on behalf of our Governing Body.
You can now purchase a plain face mask for £1 from reception. You can also buy using Parent Pay.
Our Virtual Parents’ Evening 2020 is taking place at 5pm on Wednesday 14th October 2020.
This will be an opportunity to find out all about the opportunities available for your child at Kepier.
After 31 years as our Lollipop Lady, Norma, retires. Thank you so much and you will be missed!
Sunderland City Council have produced a survey to identify the ways in which it can continue to ensure residents feel safe and informed during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Your thoughts and opinions are incredibly valuable to us and we’d really appreciate your views.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and all answers given will be anonymous. Once you complete the survey, you can enter into a prize draw for the chance to win a £100 voucher for the Bridges shopping centre.
Well done to all our wonderful Year 7 Learners! We are delighted with how they have settled after their first full week at Kepier. Below are some learners who achieved an ‘Inspirational Work’ SLT Award.
Year 8 Outstanding Learners of the Week
Owen, Ethan and Archie have all demonstrated their resilience and determination and have been achieved the Principal’s Award. Well done!