After 31 years as our Lollipop Lady, Norma, retires. Thank you so much and you will be missed!

After 31 years as our Lollipop Lady, Norma, retires. Thank you so much and you will be missed!
Well done to all our wonderful Year 7 Learners! We are delighted with how they have settled after their first full week at Kepier. Below are some learners who achieved an ‘Inspirational Work’ SLT Award.
Year 8 Outstanding Learners of the Week
Owen, Ethan and Archie have all demonstrated their resilience and determination and have been achieved the Principal’s Award. Well done!
We have been glad to welcome all of our learners back to Kepier this week and have been pleased to see them happy and ready to learn. Unfortunately, our local community has experienced some cases of the Coronavirus. To lower the risk of transmission and keep our learners and staff as safe as possible we now ask that ALL staff and learners wear face masks in communal areas, inside the building as of Monday 7th September. Please send your child to school with a face mask on Monday morning.
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope that you and your family are well and continue to keep safe during these difficult and unprecedented times. I know that all the staff are looking forward to welcoming the learners back to school in September.
As you may be aware, the Government published guidance on 2nd July stating all learners will return to school in September, full time. The information in this letter outlines how Kepier intends for this to happen encompassing the following principles.
It is important to note that the plans outlined below are subject to change, should the Government change their guidelines before September. If this should happen, we will communicate any changes with you as soon as possible.
Year Group Arrangements
Access to the Site including Transport Arrangements
Below is a table for when learners should arrive on site and where to go:
Wednesday 2/9/20 | Thursday 3/9/20 | Friday 4/9/20 | W/C 7/9/20 onward | |
Y7 | 8.30 – Main Entrance | 8.10 – Main Entrance | 8.10 – Main Entrance | 8.10 – Main Entrance |
Y8 | 9.30 – Main Entrance | 8.15 – Community Sports Gate | 8.15 – Community Sports Gate | |
Y9 | 11.00 – Main Entrance | 8.15 – Canteen Side Gate (at front of School) | 8.15 – Canteen Side Gate | |
Y10 | 9.30 – Main Entrance | 8.25 – Main Entrance | ||
Y11 | 11.00 – Main Entrance | 8.25 – Community Sports Gate |
Moving Around School
Break and Lunch Arrangements
Displaying symptoms and First Aid
I appreciate there is a lot of information outlined above and I hope it answers any queries you may have. If you have any further queries, please contact
Kepier, and the Coalfields Community has always been unique in its strength and unity. However in recent times this has been even more evident.
The staff has very much appreciated your kind messages, emails and thoughtful comments throughout these difficult times.
I would like to end by taking this opportunity once again to thank you for your continued support and look forward to welcoming the learners back to school in September.
Mrs N. Ashton
Learners were awarded Centre Assessed Grades (CAG) in GCSEs the Summer of 2020 due to the cancellation of exams.
If you have concerns about your Centre Assessed Grades you should firstly speak to the School and we will look into the grounds for an appeal to the exam boards on your behalf. Please telephone: 0191 512 8960 and provide your name and telephone number. You can also email:
There will be an opportunity for any learner to take the full suite of GCSE exams in the autumn. These exams will take place from Monday, 2 November 2020 to Monday, 23 November 2020.
The current Appeals Process is outlined by Ofqual here:
The criteria for the grounds to appeal may change and if this is the case, we will inform you as soon as any updates are available.
The APPEALS Process
We would like to invite you to receive your exam results on Thursday 20th August. Please attend at the time stated in the table below. Results will be issued outside, in the area next to The Pod. In the event of bad weather, results will be issued in the canteen, and you will enter the canteen via the side entrance, near The Pod. It is important that you attend at your allocated coaching group time to ensure that we can facilitate issuing results as safely as possible. Please follow the social distancing measure that will be in place.
Coaching Group | No. of Learners | Time Slot |
11.1 | 18 | 9am |
11.3 | 20 | 9.15 |
11.4 | 18 | 9.30 |
11.5 | 20 | 9.45 |
11.6 | 17 | 10.00 |
11.7 | 19 | 10.15 |
11.8 | 15 | 10.30 |
11.9 | 18 | 10.45 |
11.11 | 19 | 11.00 |
SEMH | 5 | By appointment with Mrs Read or Mr Lawson |
If you cannot attend at your given time, results will be emailed to your school email address. Please ensure that you save any documents from the email, so that you do not lose access to them when your email account is deactivated at the end of August. If you do not have access to your school email account, can you please contact the school in advance, either by telephone to 0191 5128960, or by email to; we will then contact ICT Support, on your behalf.
Dear Parent/Carer
I hope that you and your family are well and continue to keep safe during these difficult and unprecedented times. I know that all the staff are looking forward to welcoming the learners back to school in September.
As you may be aware, the Government published guidance on 2nd July stating all learners will return to school in September, full time. The information in this letter outlines how Kepier intends for this to happen encomposining the following principles.
It is important to note that the plans outlined below are subject to change, should the Government change their guidelines before September. If this should happen, we will communicate any changes with you as soon as possible.
Year Group Arrangements
Access to the Site including Transport Arrangements
Below is a table for when learners should arrive on site and where to go:
Tuesday 1/9/20 | Wednesday 2/9/20 | Thursday 3/9/20 | Friday 4/9/20 | W/C 7/9/20 onwards | |
Y7 |
8.30 – Main Entrance | 8.10 – Main Entrance | 8.10 – Main Entrance | 8.10 – Main Entrance |
Y8 | 9.30 – Main Entrance | 8.15 – Community Sports Gate | 8.15 – Community Sports Gate | ||
Y9 | 11.00 – Main Entrance | 8.15 – Canteen Side Gate (at front of School) | 8.15 – Canteen Side Gate (at front of School) | ||
Y10 | 9.30 – Main Entrance | 8.25 – Main Entrance | |||
Y11 | 11.00 – Main Entrance | 8.25 – Community Sports Gate |
Moving Around School
Break and Lunch Arrangements
Displaying symptoms and First Aid
I appreciate there is a lot of information outlined above and I hope it answers any queries you may have. If you have any further queries, please contact
Kepier, and the Coalfields Community has always been unique in its strength and unity. However in recent times this has been even more evident.
The staff has very much appreciated your kind messages, emails and thoughtful comments throughout these difficult times.
I would like to end by taking this opportunity once again to thank you for your continued support and look forward to welcoming the learners back to school in September.
Mrs N. Ashton
Kepier will be closed to all learners from Friday 17th July for the summer holiday. Re-opening times for September will be communicated soon.
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you know, our gradebook reports are based around your child’s assessment scores from a range of subjects. Due to our enforced closure, we have been unable to carry out these assessments, which means we are unable to provide a meaningful end of year report. The last report we issued, just prior to the closure of schools nationally, contains the most up to date academic information we hold for your child. If you would like to discuss the work your child has completed since the lock down started, please contact us and we will be happy to arrange this.
Many of our learners have been working extremely hard from home, and we are very proud of them. Thank you for continuing to encourage and support your child with their schoolwork in what has been a very difficult difficult time.
Please be assured that when things return to normal, you will continue to receive detailed reports on your child’s achievement, progress and attitude to learning across the full range of subjects they are studying.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Langley
The safety and wellbeing of our school Community is our main priority. We have taken measures to ensure all Government guidelines have been followed.
General expectations and learner conduct |
Curriculum offer |
Social distancing |
Hand washing / sanitation |
Doors / handles |
Uniform |
Equipment |
Break and Lunch |
Toilets |
Learners displaying symptoms of COVID-19 |
Transport |
Access to school buildings |
Leaving school |
School closure |
Dear Parent / Carer,
I hope you and your family continue to keep safe and well during these very difficult times. On Monday June 15th, the government amended its advice to secondary schools to include ‘face to face’ meetings for all learners to supplement their remote learning.
Kepier will be holding the following consultation sessions:
Year Group | Session information |
7 | Tuesday 14th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm
Wednesday 15th July 2020 between 9.30am and 4.30pm Thursday 16th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm |
8 | Tuesday 7th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm
Wednesday 8th July 2020 between 9.30am and 4.30pm Thursday 9th July 2020 between 1pm and 3pm |
9 | Tuesday 23rd June 2020 between 1pm and 3pm
Wednesday 24th June 2020 between 9.30am and 4.30pm Thursday 25th June 2020 between 1pm and 3pm |
You will receive a text message with a link to an online form, please complete this form expressing which session you are able to attend. Kepier will confirm a 20 minute appointment. During these sessions your child’s Coach will share feedback from all of your child’s teachers regarding the home learning which has taken place and offer further support as needed.
Best wishes
Nicola Ashton
Year 10 Parent Consultations have taken place over the last few days and I would like to thank all parents and learners who have attended. It has been great to see so many families and I know staff, learners and parents have really appreciated the contact.
The Government guidelines have been amended this week and we are pleased to confirm we can now offer some face to face contact with all year groups, as long as we ensure there are limited learners on site at any particular time.
We are now able to offer some face to face teaching and support to Y10 learners until the end of the academic year, to supplement the remote learning we will continue to provide.
From w/c 22nd June, we will be offering learners one session per week of face to face academic support, covering all subjects they study with subject specialists. Further details on when your child is to attend School will be sent via text before the end of Thursday 18th June. All activities will follow the Government safety guidelines and each group will be a maximum of nine learners. Learners will be placed in a specific group and due to timetabling complexities, we cannot accommodate any movement.
Equipment will be provided and learners will need to attend wearing their school PE Kit. If there are any concerns regarding PE kit, please contact or Mrs Parker : (07513819429).
A limited food menu will be available on the day and therefore please ensure your Parentpay account has sufficient funds.
The offer, as outlined above, will be for all Y10 learners and if you do not wish your child to participate in the face to face sessions, please let us know by replying to the text sent.
This Friday (19th June) there is a Virtual School Games hosted by Tyne and Wear Sport.
There are loads of different events happening throughout the day, which you can dip in and out of.
So if you are looking for something to do and like a bit of competition (healthy competition that is) this could be right up your street.
Year 10 Update for Parents
On Monday 25th May, the Government changed its advice and now wants the School to offer face-to-face support to supplement the remote education of year 10 learners and have stated that remote learning should remain the predominant mode of education during the summer term.
The advice states that ‘face to face support’ should not start until 15th June. Therefore we still intend to provide a consultation session for parents and Y10 learners commencing the week beginning 15th June. Following the initial consultations we will look to offer some further ‘face to face’ support for learners.
Many thanks to all parents who completed the online form, however due to the change of dates, please complete the amended version here:
Further details on arrangements for any other sessions will be communicated nearer the time. Please note that your child will still be expected to complete the online work which is regularly being set by staff.
Many of you will already be aware of the recent updates by the Prime Minister announcing a gradual re-opening of schools from 1st June 2020. This proposal remains under regular review and will only take place if the infection rates remain low.
Currently, there is no change to the current guidance for us and we will continue to provide childcare for those already identified parents whose work is critical to the COVID – 19 response (critical and Key workers only) and those children who are identified as vulnerable. We will also require evidence of employers’ work hours and contact details to support the current Government lockdown rules.
Key messages from the Government are raising lots of questions and scenarios which we must plan for effectively and we are now waiting to receive more detailed information from the Government, Department for Education about what this will mean for us here at Kepier.
I want to reassure you that I, and the senior leaders here at Kepier have been and will continue to work hard to ensure that the safety of all learners and all staff is paramount and always foremost in our minds. ALL decisions made about returning, will be based upon the safest way possible to limit the risk of the virus spreading.
We will be using the next few weeks to ensure that we carefully and safely think about the process of re-opening, and that we have all the required measures in place, so that Kepier will be a safe place for your child to return to when the time is right.
I appreciate that many children and their families may be anxious about many things but hope that you continue to trust and support us in making decisions based upon the safety for your child.
For parents and children in Year 10, part way through Key Stage 4 courses, we understand this is a particularly difficult time. As soon as we can give you more specific information regarding our plans for what the Government stipulates as ‘some face to face contact with year 10 pupils’, which ‘will… support to supplement pupils’ remote education.’ we will do so.
In the meantime, ‘home learning’ via our school website and online learning platforms will continue. Thank you to all those parents who took the time to give us feedback on how we are currently working. We are constantly reviewing all of our procedures and will inform you of any changes that we make which may improve how we are working.
If you have any concerns regarding the progress of your son or daughter in any of their subjects please contact the relevant department leaders via email. We have a fantastic team of staff who are happy to help you and your children at this difficult time. Department emails can be found here:
Kepier and the Coalfields Community has always been unique in its strength and unity and in recent times this has been even more evident. Our weekly Thursday ‘social media’ updates, sharing the hard work and bravery of all of our ex learners is testament to the strength of Houghton as a community. Please do send any pictures of key workers and care workers to, with their name and role.
If we continue to work together, supporting each other where necessary, we will get through this period of uncertainty. All of the staff at school have very much appreciated your kind messages, emails and thoughtful comments throughout these difficult weeks, thank you.
I would like to end by taking this opportunity once again to thank you for all of your courage and support over the past weeks.
Best regards
Nicola Ashton
Kepier is supporting ‘front line key workers’ by manufacturing visors using our Technology Department’s equipment.
If you know of any organisation that would benefit from a donation of visors please contact us on
If you would like to make a donation towards to the cost of materials, please do so via our JustGiving page:
You can also support us by donating towards the cost of materials via Parent Pay.
Thank you for your support.
Resources to support learners home learning can be accessed by logging in to the Kepier website. For specific subject support, email the department via the ‘contact us’ tab.
Over the next three weeks Kepier is challenging you to complete Kepier’s Hot 100!
£10 gift vouchers are being offered by Mr Kilkenny to the learner that completes the most challenges each week. Their examples will be posted on the Kepier Instagram page.
Download the Hot One Hundred document below to see the challenges – @kepierart and Miss Hall’s English challenges are also contributing to the 100 challenges.
The competition is running for three weeks from Monday 30th March, with a £10 voucher available each week – so that’s £30 of vouchers up for grabs in total!
All you have to do is send a photo or video of your completed challenges and send them to
The winner will be revealed at the end of each week. Good luck!