What is a BTEC in Health and Social Care?

This qualification is the same size and level as a GCSE and is aimed at those who want to find out more about Health and Social Care. About 3 million people in the UK work in the Health and Social Care Sector in jobs such as nurses, midwives, social workers and counsellors, and the demand for people to fill these vital jobs will only increase in the coming years.

Course Details

Qualification Exam Board Specification
BTEC Level 1/ Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care Pearson (Edexcel)

Subject Leader

Mrs L. Mirley
Subject Leader for Health and Social Care

Course Overview

In the video below, Mrs Mirley, Subject Leader for Health and Social Care, explains the different topics you will study on the Health and Social Care course:

Course Aims

This course gives you the opportunity to study how people grow and develop throughout their lives, from infancy to later adulthood, and the factors that may affect this, such as major life changing events like marriage or parenthood. Throughout the course you will learn how people adapt to these changes and the types of support available to help them.

Learners will also explore the different health and social care services and how they meet the needs of service users. They will also study the skills, attributes and values required when giving care. Finally, learners will explore different factors that affect health and wellbeing, learning about physiological and lifestyle indicators, and person-centred approaches to make recommendations to improve an individual’s health and wellbeing.


All learners must study THREE compulsory units:

Component 1: Component 1: Human Lifespan Development – internal assessment set by Pearson consisting of 4 tasks, marked by the centre and moderated by Pearson. The Pearson-set Assignment will be completed in 6 hours of supervised assessment (60 marks).

Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values – internal assessment set by Pearson consisting of 5 tasks, marked by the centre and moderated by Pearson. The Pearson-set Assignment will be completed in approximately 6 hours of supervised assessment. (60 marks)

Component 3: Health and Wellbeing – External assessment set and marked by Pearson, completed under supervised conditions. The assessment will be completed in 2 hours within the period timetabled by Pearson. (60 marks)

Upon successful completion of all components, you will be awarded a grade ranging from a level 1 Pass to a level 2 distinction.


Got A Question?

If you have a question about Health and Social Care you can use the form below to contact Mrs Mirley, Subject Leader for Health and Social Care.


    Updated: 30/01/2025