Welcome to the Year 9 Options Process

This area of the Kepier website contains information about choosing your options.

You will find sections for each options pathway and subject area to assist you when selecting the option subjects you would like to study in Year 10 and Year 11.


How Does The Options Process Work?

When you move into Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and Year 11), you get some choice in terms of the subjects you study.

Your PSHCE teachers will deliver some lessons to explain the options process and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions, either in person or via the options web pages.

Please don’t make your option choices until after our Options Information Evening (on Wednesday 5th March 2025). This will help to ensure that you have looked at all subjects, making it less likely that you make the wrong choices. Once your choices have been handed in, it can be very difficult to change them!

You should look at the options information carefully with your parents/carers, as they will need to confirm your choices.

In the video below, Mr Langley (Deputy Headteacher) explains how the options process works:


Key Dates

Year 9 Key Stage 4 Curriculum Information Evening: Wednesday 5th March 2025, 4 – 6pm

Subject leaders will provide more details about their courses, and will be answering questions, to help learners make their final decisions.

Your options form must be handed in by the end of coaching time on Friday 7th March 2025.


What Do I Do If I Need Help Or Have Questions?

Please read all of the information on these webpages carefully and if you or your parents/carers require further information, contact either: the relevant subject leader; Miss Sood (Year Manager) or Mr Langley (Deputy Headteacher).

    How Do I Make Sure My Choices Fit With My Future Career and Study Choices?

    Careers information, advice and guidance is available from Mr Warkman (Deputy Headteacher) and your PSHCE subject teachers.

    Find out more in the video below:



    Core Subject Pages

    English, Maths and Science are the core subjects.

    Each of the core subjects has its own page, so you can ask questions about these subjects at Key Stage 4.

    Click the tiles below to view information about each core subject:


    Option Subject Pages

    Options subjects are those which you can choose at Key Stage 4. The subjects you choose will depend on the career or further study options you are thinking about when you leave school.

    Each of the options subjects available at Key Stage 4 has its own page so you can find out more about the topics that will be covered in Years 10 and 11.

    Click the tiles below to view information about each subject:



    Key Staff


    Miss A. Sood
    Year 9 Manager

    Mr C. Langley
    Deputy Headteacher

    Mr D. Kilkenny
    Deputy Headteacher/SENDCo

    Mr P. Farley
    Department Leader for English

    Mr S. Anderson
    Department Leader for Maths and Statistics

    Mrs J. Stephenson
    Department Leader for Science

    Ms J. Sharman
    Department Leader for Art

    Mr D. Richards
    Department Leader for Sport, PE, Dance & Football

    Miss G. Bolt
    Subject Leader for Business and Enterprise

    Mrs A. Andrews
    Department Leader for Technology

    Mrs K. Dris
    Department Leader for French 

    Mr G. Faircloth
    Department Leader for Geography

    Mr T. Mayer
    Department Leader for IT

    Mrs L. Mirley
    Subject Leader for Child Development & Health and Social Care

    Mr S. Forsyth
    Department Leader for History

    Mr C. Smith
    Department Leader for Music

    Mr J. Huthart
    Subject Leader for RPE

    Mrs S. Read
    Subject Leader for PSHCE